
Solo dev working on Stardust Exile, a space RTS set in the Milky Way galaxy, containing currently known stars and exoplanets with their real characteristics. The remaining star systems are procedurally generated based on the current estimated number of stars in our galaxy. Players can rename stars and planets that they control outside the Solar System.

Players can create their own spaceship designs with an in-game procedural spaceship generator. Spaceships visuals don't change their stats. This way players won't have to use spaceships they don't like due to superior stats.

In the MMORTS mode, all players are in the same universe, and the world is persistent. Players compete with each other to take back the Solar System and end their exile. Players can fight to control systems, retreat to the periphery to regain strength and rebuild their fleets as needed, or they can play as a trading empire dedicated to trading spaceships and resources to accumulate credits.

Spaceships keep operating even when the player is offline: production spaceships keep harvesting resources, and combat spaceships automatically engage invading spaceships. To allow players to mount proper defenses against large attacks, they can build disruptors to slow down travel from enemies to their systems for up to 24 hours.

The Single-Player Skirmish mode allows to generate other galaxies with different sizes, densities, star systems and opponents. Research/Tech Tree, Planetary Outposts and Pirates can be enabled or disabled as desired.

Pre-defined modes include:

Players can also create their own scenario with any of the victory conditions or none.



The era of space colonization has begun for humanity, but the era of war never ended. Your faction, like many others before, wanted to achieve peace by conquering the cradle of humanity, the Solar System. But it failed and was exiled to the periphery of the Milky Way. Centuries have passed but the war was never forgotten. Now as you become an expansionist empire again, you try to make your way to the Solar System again, and end your exile.





Steam Windows/Linux




